Gardens of Excellence: Pena Park & Terra Nostra Park. Travel Blog
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Gardens of Excellence: Pena Park & Terra Nostra Park

Gardens of Excellence: Pena Park & Terra Nostra Park

March 21, 2014

The International Camellia Society has just distinguished the impressive camellias of Pena Park, in Sintra, and Terra Nostra Park, in Azores Islands. Discover these Gardens of Excellence!

Everyone knows that Portugal is a country blessed by the weather, the sea, food, landscapes and other marvellous attributes. All this has impressed hosts of this beautiful country and all tourists who has visited it. But nowadays, Portugal is also appreciated for its two charming gardens of camellias. The International Camellia Society distinguished the Pena Park, in Sintra, and Terra Nostra Park, in Azores Islands, as gardens of Excellence.

Their charming camellias have been at the center of the most ambitious and desirable botanical tours of the world since ever. Their characteristics match perfectly with the criteria of this Organization, and so, the International Camellia Society recognizes them as being members of the select group of the best gardens in the world.

On Pena Park, in Sintra, there are more than 2.250 copies of camellias identified. The camellias fields of this romantic park of Portugal was introduced by the King Fernando II in the XIX century. This highlight that is been given to the camellias in Sintra motivates the visit to the gardens and historic farms even during winter.

The Terra Nostra Park, in Azores Island, is a bicentenary botanical garden which displays the largest collection of cycas in Europe. It is located in the mystic Furnas Valley, one of the highest villages of São Miguel, where the surrounding mountains reach up to 290 meters in altitude. In 2007 it was considered one of the 12 most beautiful gardens of the world. Terra Nostra Park is situated in a dormant crater and it is a remarkable example of English classical gardens of the XIX century.